Most of the European countries, as well as some other countries of the world set their clocks 1 hour forward on Sunday, March 26, 2017.
However, Turkey have been already in Summer time-DTS and clocks will remain the same, because the clocks in Turkey had not been set back one hour to pass into winter time last year throughout the entire country. The currently implemented summer time, which is also called DTS (Daylight Saving Time), became the country’s non-changing standard time.
Time Zone of Turkey
Turkey’s time is Eastern European Time (EET).
Stable Time zone will stay at UTC/GMT +3 hours. There will be no winter time adjustment.
Turkey were normally synchronized with European countries as regard to DST change, however the government, with a cabined decree, dated 8 September 2016, decided that from then on summer time will stay stable in order to make more use of daylight during the winters.
As a result of this decision Turkey will stay on GMT/UTC + 3 all-round the years while many of the countries in the World and Europe will set back and forward their clocks in winter and summer.
Time differences with some countries
In summer Turkey will be;
- +2 hours ahead of England and Portugal,
- +1 hours ahead of Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Spain, and Switzerland.
- At the same time zone with Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, and Romania.
Time gap.