Facts for Employers To Set Up A Company In Turkey

Facts for Employers To Set Up A Company In Turkey	COMPANY DETAILS


Employers must set up a legal entity if they wish to employ staff. This could be either a branch company or a subsidiary company established in Turkey.

Setting up Bank Accounts

Necessary documents for bank account set up:

–   Official  Publication  including  company  registration  details  (Articles  of Association)

–    Tax number

–    Signature Circulars of the authorized executives or shareholders

–    Notary stamped copies of ID’s of authorized person

Social Security Registration

Companies need to register only upon hiring staff. The appropriate social security authorities are notified as and when a new member of staff starts working for the company. Upon registration companies will receive a social security registration number.

Tax Registration

Tax registration process is completed during legal set up of the company. Tax number is given by tax office – it is both same for corporation tax and employee tax.

Employment Law

Union Membership / Worker Councils / Collective Labour Agreements

Workers unions exist only in the industry sector. Membership rights, arising from the legal relationship between the union and the member, include the following:

–    Every member is entitled to participate in union meetings

–    Every member has the right to vote on the issues under consideration

–    In addition to its regular meetings, the general congress must convene upon the written request of at least one-fifth of its members

–    Members also have the rights to criticise, file complaints and resort to court litigation against the actions or decisions taken by the unions

–    The right to withdraw or resign from the union

–    The right to equal treatment

–    The right to benefit from the services activities of unions

There is no worker councils system in Turkey.

Collective agreements are negotiated and agreed by union representatives and employers. An employer who is not a member of a union is however authorized to apply a collective agreement for the company.

Collective agreements determine terms and conditions of employment such as:

–    Wages

–    Restrictions on the employer’s right to terminate the employment contract

–    Length of terms of notice for the termination of an employment contract

–    Payment of severance pay following the termination of a contract

–    Fringe benefits such as bonus and premiums

–    Working conditions

–    Length of vacation and other forms of leave

Nothing in a contract of employment may be in conflict with a collective agreement unless stated otherwise in the collective agreement.





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