Occupational Health and Safety Administrative Fines 2019


Administrative fines to be applied according to Occupational Health and Safety Law N. 6331 are increased by 23.73% in 2019, in accordance with the revaluation rate determined for the new-year. Amounts of the fines for the violations specified article 26 of said law are as follows.

Type of Violation Hazard Class Explanation
Less than 10 personnel. 10-49

50 and over


Not taking the necessary measures for the safety and health protection of employees, not providing information, instruction and training. Less hazardous 3.825 3.825 5.737 TRY/ For each violation
Hazardous 4.781 5.737 7.650
Very hazardous 5.737 7.650 11.475
Not overseeing and supervising whether the health and safety precautions in workplace are properly abided by Less hazardous. 3.825 3.825 5.737 TRY/ For each violation
Hazardous 4.781 5.737 7.650
Very hazardous 5.737 7.650 11.475
Not employing an occupational safety specialist Less hazardous 9.574 9.574 14.361 TRY
/For each specialist not employed (In case the violation continues same amount for each month)
Hazardous 11.967 14.361 19.148
Very hazardous 14.361 19.148 28.722
Not employing workplace doctor Less hazardous 9.574 9.574 14.361 TRY
/For each doctor not employed (In case the violation continues same amount for each month) )
Hazardous 11.967 14.361 19.148
Very hazardous 14.361 19.148 28.722
Not employing other health personnel. Less hazardous TRY
/For each personnel not employed (In case the violation continues same amount for each month)
Very hazardous 9.568 14.352
Not providing the means, space and time for the employed OHAS specialist and contracted firms Les hazardous 2.869 2.869 4.303 TRY / For each violation
Hazardous 3.586 4.303 5.738
Very hazardous 4.303 5.738 8.607
Not ensuring the coordination between OHAS personnel Less hazardous 2.869 2.869 4.303 TRY / For each violation
Hazardous 3.586 4.303 5.738
Very hazardous 4.303 5.738 8.607
Not implementing measures related to occupational health and safety and that are notified in writing by the OHAS persons or organizations providing services Less hazardous 1.911 1.911 2.866 TL / For each measures that are not implemented
Hazardous 2.388 2.866 3.822
Very hazardous 2.866 3.822 5.733

Restricting the authority of

occupational safety specialist and workplace doctor

Hazardous 3.586 4.303 5.738


Very hazardous 4.303 5.738 8.607
Less hazardous 2.869 2.869 4.303

Not notifying the accident within three work days as of the date of the accident, or within three work days after receiving the notification of an occupational disease from health care providers or occupational physicians


Less hazardous 3.825 3.825 5.737 TRY
Hazardous 4.781 5.737 7.650
Very hazardous 5.737 7.650 11.475
Not notifying the occupational accidents referred to health care providers to the Social Security Institution within ten days, and for authorized health care providers not notifying the Social Security Institution of the occupational diseases within ten days 3.825 TRY
In hazardous and very hazardous workplaces, not ensuring that workers receive health surveillance and medical report appropriate to the health and safety risks they incur at work 1.911 TRY / Per employee
Not providing OHAS training to the employees 774 TRY /  For each violation/per employee
Not complying with the Regulations related to occupational health and safety, stated in article 30 Less hazardous 1.911 1.911 2.866 TRY / For per violated provision.
Hazardous 2.388 2.866 3.822
Very hazardous 2.866 3.822 5.733

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